Thursday, November 17, 2022

My 1980's

My 1980's

If I could go back, even for a little while.

Hanging out at Dadeland, acting crazy and wild.

Talking about the pretty girls, Ricky and I.

Those were the 80's, those were good times.

Listening to Dire Straits', and Johnny's Walk of Life.

Lifetime still ahead of us, but running outta time

Man, I miss my lil' brother, now he's a grown man.

Man, I miss my momma, but she's flown away.

I miss picking on my sisters, they know it was all love not hate.

I miss working with my dad, I miss you, on those Saturdays.

Wanting to be Jack loving on Diane.

The future was all mine, but I was running outta time.

High school was incredible, working out and the late nights with the crew.

Kitchen Club, The Grove, and Lauderdale's Strip and Elbow Room.

George Michael needed Faith, INXS needed you tonight.

Lifetime is still ahead, but quickly running outta TIME.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Love in the Time of Cellphones

Love in the Time of Cellphones

  He always felt like his life's love was awaiting his arrival. Awaiting his arrival at a bar, a party, or even the site where she broke down and needed help. It ran through his veins this feeling, premonition of love. She always felt like love would pass her by and she would not notice him. However, she knew his face, his body, and even his scent without ever once meeting him.

    She walked alone. He walked alone. They ran into each other. Destined to be together. But they spoke on their cellphones. Missing one another forever. Destiny can be written down but if you don't read the signs you will miss it. 

    So she continued looking but never once saw him again because she had told the universe that she was destined to have love pass her by and he did. He walked right by her because the universe will listen to a person's heart more than it will listen to destiny's writings. 

    On the other hand, he finally found someone. Not the person he thought she would be but someone better. He met the love of his life because he always knew that she was out there in his heart. The universe listened and since it couldn't be what destiny had chosen for him, the universe gave him what his heart chose instead.

    So who is to blame for these two people never meeting? The universe, destiny, or technology? You decide but remember the universe listens to your heart.  So, if you do not read the signs of destiny, your heart will choose and the universe will provide.